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IO-Link protocol

IO-Link Overview

IO-Link is the world's first standardized IO technology (IEC 61131-9) for communication with sensors and actuators. Robust point-to-point communication is based on the long-established 3-wire sensor and actuator connection with no additional requirements on cable materials. IO-Link is therefore not a fieldbus but a further development of an existing, tried-and-tested connection technology for sensors and actuators.

The system architecture is as follows:


System architecture example

Universal-IO-Link always fits!

IO-Link is fieldbus independent and can be integrated into all fieldbus systems worldwide.

IO-Link relies on standards such as M12, M8 connectors and three-wire cables.

IO-Link is an international standard compliant with IEC 61131-9.

IO-Link is universal... and always suitable

Sophisticated - IO-Link simplifies your work!

IO-Link is functional and, thanks to bidirectional communication, allows extended diagnostics of sensors and actuators or simple and fast parameterization.

IO-Link is fast, with three communication speeds of 4.8 kBaud, 38.4 kBaud and 230.4 kBaud.

IO-Link is small, enabling miniaturization of "smart" sensors and actuators

IO-Link is smart... and simplifies your job!

Easy - IO-Link knows what's going on!

IO-Link reduction; simple wiring using unshielded three-wire cable enables bidirectional communication with extensive diagnostics and parameterization capabilities.

IO-Link is automated because the parameter data on the server enables decentralized parameterization of the device in the shortest possible time.

IO-Link is helpful because equipment can be easily maintained remotely via two-way communication.

IO-Link makes it easy...and...knows what's going on!

Note: Most of the above content comes from the official website of the IO-Link Association.

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